How to Start an Online Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Business

by | Apr 12, 2023

You may have heard about the term “online dietitian nutrition coaching business” but do you actually know what it means to become an online dietitian nutrition coach? And, perhaps more importantly, do you know how to go about starting your own online business?

Today, I’ll walk you through the simple (notice I didn’t say “easy”) steps to take if you want to start an online dietitian nutrition coaching business. While the process is simple, it’s important to remember that becoming successful will take time, effort, dedication, and commitment. But YOU get to decide how far to go and how much you want to grow your online business!

How to Start an Online Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Business in 4 Simple Steps

1. Become a Registered Dietitian.

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’ve already got this first step down pat. Taking the time to go to school and become a Registered Dietitian will give you the knowledge base you need in order to help people with their health and wellness goals.

Sure, there are plenty of other people in the online space who claim to be nutrition coaches or wellness coaches. But, many of them don’t have the education to back them up. As a Registered Dietitian, you bring more value to the health and nutrition marketplace. With added value, you can help more people and those people will reward you handsomely for your efforts.

2. Understand the meaning of dietitian nutrition COACHING.

As a Registered Dietitian working in a clinic or other in-person setting, you might see clients once, twice, or a handful of times to address a particular issue. With an online dietitian nutrition coaching business, however, you can take things to the next level. As a dietitian nutrition coach, you’ll go beyond simply giving clients the information they need to be successful – things like meal plans, macro breakdowns, calorie counts, etc.

As a coach, you’ll help clients build awareness around behaviors, beliefs, skills, and habits that aren’t serving them well. Then, you’ll help them see what needs to be changed in order for them to achieve the results they’re looking for.

3. Find your niche.

What will make your business different from anyone else’s? The internet is saturated with countless ideas about how to lose weight or what healthy eating looks like. If you’re going to have a successful nutrition coaching business, there needs to be something to help you stand out from the competition. Rather than focusing on how to be BETTER than your competition, focus on how what you provide makes you DIFFERENT.

4. Build your online dietitian nutrition coaching business with a mentor.

These days, it’s easy to find someone to help you create a website. But creating a SUCCESSFUL dietitian nutrition coaching business is another endeavor altogether. It takes time, energy, know-how, and persistence. And, there will be many mistakes along the way if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Is there a way to shortcut the process so you can become more successful in less time? YES! Invest in an online business coach who’s been where you currently are and who’s already gotten to where you want to go.


Get the Blueprint for a Successful Online Dietitian Nutrition Coaching Business

If you’re a Registered Dietitian looking to move from in-person to online service OR you want to grow an existing online dietitian nutrition coaching business, you’re in the right place! Simply sign up here to receive your FREE dietitian nutrition coaching blueprint. It’s the proven plan to help you get inspired and learn exactly what to do to become a successful online dietitian nutrition coach yourself.

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Designed for RDs who want to connect their formal education into real world application!

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