Tony Stephan, RD:
America’s Trusted Dietitian
Interested in booking Tony Stephan for a media or speaking appearance?
Speaking Appearances
Media Publications

Fox News:
- Healthier Drink Choices with Registered Dietitian
- Looking for a healthy alternative this holiday, check out these 6 holiday food swaps
- Tips for your next meal prep
- 4 ways to freshen up your football game food
- Keys to Staying Fit this Fall with Tony Stephan
- 7 foods to add to your meals in 2018
- 3 steps to keeping your weightloss resolution

Readers Digest Magazine:

The Huffington Post:
Podcast Appearances

Bucci Radio with Amanda Bucci
Money Mindset, Internal Beliefs, & Personal Client Connection – with Tony Stephan

Ever Forward Radio with Chase Chewning
Skip the Line – A Modern Education on Success with Tony Stephan, RD

The Gym Wits Podcast
Reverse Dieting:With Tony Stephan

The Zero Xcuses Podcast
Breaking Through The Dieting Mentality

The Nutrition Blueprint Podcast
The Science Of Macros And Refeed Days

The Ranges Of Motion Podcast
EP 35: Tony Stephan on How Loss Propelled His Life Forward

The Yours Chewly Podcast
Episode 14: Creating Impact through Self-Belief & Mentorship ft. Tony Stephan

The Shawna K Show
EP 22 with Tony Stephan: Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Nutrition Coaching Secrets with Jason Phillips
How To Sell Yourself

The Unfiltered Coach Podcast
EP 020: Tony Stephan Online Coaching as a Registered Dietitian

Dial A Dietitian With Aimee Sarchet
Episode 15: Personal Trainer and Online Coach Tony Stephan

The True Transformation Podcast
Debunking Nutrition Myths
Meet Tony

Tony Stephan here….
I am so glad you made it to my blog!. I’m a Registered Dietitian and the owner/founder of the I Believe Mentorship & Tony Stephan Fitness & Nutrition LLC.
My God given mission in life is to help people other RD’s and nutrition experts connect their formal education, to the real world application of owning an online nutrition coaching business.
I have been featured as a nutrition authority in media platforms like: Fox News, NBC News, The Huffington Post, Women’s Health Magazine, Readers Digest, and other radio/news publications.
I’m not here to sell you anything besides the truth. I give away my best content and advice FOR FREE. People pay me for the custom approach and helping them APPLY that knowledge to produce results 😉
So make sure you take advantage of all of that high value free content by following me:
Still want to know more?

I’m a married man (lucky guy) to my best friend Andrea. We’ve been together since we were 20 and she was always my biggest supporter. She bought my first lab coat in college when I ran out of money and is at every speaking event, news segment, and meeting I go to still to this day.
My wife and I are avid travelers and have been to: France, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, Germany, and London so far with plenty more on our hit list!
I walk the walk with health and fitness by competing in the men’s physique division of the NPC.
Any of my coaching clients will agree that this is my passion and purpose in life. Helping YOU achieve your goals. So, I am here to help you however I can. Never hesitate to reach out to me for ANYTHING at all!
Talk soon!
– Tony
Check out Tony’s other blog sites!