
The Tony Stephan Registered Dietitian Blog

Stop Buying Template Meal Plans

Stop Buying Template Meal Plans

Meal plans. They sound tempting, but I'm about to explain to you why you should NEVER buy template nutrition plans or programs. But before I jump into that, I want to tell you about one of my nutrition coaching clients that I had a few years back. I remember being on...

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A Dietitian Guide For When The Scale Sucks!

A Dietitian Guide For When The Scale Sucks!

So many people focus on the number that pops up on the scale. When the scale doesn’t move or moves in the opposite direction that we want it to, oftentimes we might feel like we haven't made progress. If you’re a good coach, you know that the scale isn't the only...

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How to Effectively Coach a Non-Compliant Client

How to Effectively Coach a Non-Compliant Client

When coaching clients through online nutrition counseling, we’ve all had those clients where no matter how much you coach them, they just can’t seem to stop with the self-sabotage.  While this can be frustrating, as dietitian business owners, we have to remember that...

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How to Grow Your Nutrition Coaching Business

How to Grow Your Nutrition Coaching Business

Starting a nutrition coaching business can definitely be intimidating, especially when thinking about starting from the ground up. The biggest question I get from new nutrition entrepreneurs is “How do I get clients?” In today’s world of influencers, paid Facebook and...

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