I have a confession to make….
I am a huge Harry Potter AND Star Wars fan.
I have two toy lightsabers sitting in my spare room closet right now…..You know, for protection purposes.
One of the first dates Andrea and I went on was to see the new Harry Potter movie in theaters. I was instantly hooked. The creativity was truly amazing. Someone who could create such a tale must have always been extremely successful in life, right?
Most people know J.K. Rowling as one of the most successful authors of all time. They see the success she has received from creating the best selling book series Harry Potter.
Most people don’t know the story behind the success. Before the Harry Potter series took off, J.K. Rowling was clinically depressed.
She was jobless, a single parent, and poor. At this point in her life she accepted failure as a permanent label. She also contemplated taking her own life.
Could you imagine what would of happened if she surrendered to those feelings? What the world would of been like if it had never heard the name J.K. Rowling?
She was at an all time low in her life. Fortunately, she was able to turn it around.
With no job in place, she would walk to a cafe in the early morning with her daughter. Her daughter would sleep while J.K. would write for hours. She allowed her past failures to serve as fuel for new ambitions. The evil Dementors she created in the series were actually symbolism for her own depression and negative thoughts.
After being rejected more than 10 times by publishers, Harry Potter was finally published, and the rest is history.
So, what does this have to do with you?
Failure, struggle, frustration, and adversity are all pieces of the success puzzle.
They are necessary and unavoidable.
I have had clients in the past view adversities and struggles as something negative. Any time the scale didn’t move they would want to give up. Or, if they were struggling to balance the kids schedule, their demanding boss, and their significant other, they let the feelings of overwhelm consume them.
Weight loss and a healthy lifestyle are filled with hurdles and challenges. Sorry, no over night solutions here!
J.K. Rowling is a perfect example of how to use adversity as fuel for future success. Even if you failed in the past it is only permanent if you surrender and QUIT.
What you need to do is embrace your challenges and meet them head on with excitement and passion.
What I have learned from coaching thousands of people is that adversity is a sign that you are on the right path. It is indication that you are making progress towards your goals. Adversity should not be viewed as a negative, but as a sign that your hard work is soon to pay off.
The bigger the goal, the bigger the challenges.
I am here to tell you that you have everything you need from within to conquer your adversities and achieve your goals.
You can not chose the challenges and obstacles you face in life. You can however choose how you react and respond to them.
By framing any set back you face as a set up for success you will always be able to keep pressing forward towards your goals. Remember, that adversity and struggle are part of the equation. Embrace it!
I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes below:
May the Force be with you, always.