How To Have A Healthy & Delicious Labor Day with Aldi


Labor Day is the last long weekend of the summer.  It’s a time to be spent with family and friends.  And of course, that means amazing food!

For this blog post I’ve partnered with ALDI to deliver healthy and delicious Labor Day weekend recipes and meal ideas for you! Aldi has everything you need to make the last summer holiday a success. Whether you are hosting the event or simply need to bring a dish to pass, in this blog post I will give you dietitian-approved recipes for a better-for-you Labor Day menu. All of these amazing options are prepared with foods available at your local ALDI.

Start with grilled avocados with vegetable relish as a quick and simple appetizer that everyone will love!  There aren’t many ingredients involved which makes this colorful appetizer easy to prepare. Avocados are filled with vitamins, minerals and help support a heart-healthy lifestyle with plant-based fats. To add more taste and color, the recipe calls for tomatoes (lycopene), red pepper (vitamin A and C), and lemon. 

For your main dish, I suggest the grilled strip steak skewers with pear slaw.  This recipe will need 30 minutes of prep time.  The very simple home-made marinade includes: soy sauce, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 teaspoon ginger and 1 teaspoon garlic. (Bonus tip: ALDI is your go-to place for grilling needs. Every Wednesday, ALDI offers incredible prices on fresh meat. When you see the “Weekly Fresh Meat Special” sign, you’ll find extra-low prices on the very best cuts of meat. And ALDI Never Any! meats are free from antibiotics, added hormones and animal byproducts, which ensures you’re getting the best quality for your family and friends. )

Again, all of these fresh and delicious ingredients can be found at your local ALDI. This recipe is perfect for a Labor Day party!  It is easy to prepare and the pear slaw is always a favorite for everyone.  The pears are an excellent source of vitamin C and give a unique taste to your main dish! The strip steak is a great lean source of protein which will help keep you full and satisfied. If meats aren’t your thing, ALDI also has the Earth Grown line of vegetarian products, two of which, Earth Grown Chickenless Patties and Tenders, recently received the 2019 Best New Product Award!

Who doesn’t love dessert?  The mini blueberry chocolate tart is a perfect way to end your Labor Day party on a delicious note that won’t break the bank when it comes to calories.  This is a simple, four ingredient dessert.  The tarts contain blueberries, Stevia as a zero calorie sweetener option, pie crust and dark chocolate.  Blueberries are in season during the summer and are a great source of dietary fiber. As an added bonus, this dessert is full of antioxidants!

Finally, what is a holiday party without a plethora of alcohol options?  ALDI has a massive selection of wine and beer with many being less than $10. There is a little something for everyone whether you love red wine, white wine, or an ice cold beer.  ALDI offers an Intermingle Red Blend, Rosé from the South of France, Giretto Pinot Grigio, and Wild Range IPA, among others.  If you are looking for something more calorie friendly I would stick with the Pinot Grigio.  Me personally? I’m a red wine guy! 

All of these recipes from ALDI are guaranteed to help you end your summer the right way!

Visit to take advantage of better-for-you recipes to make fresh food at home. For more fun information and tips, “Like” ALDI USA on Facebook and follow @ALDIUSA on Instagram and @ALDIUSA on Twitter. And, if you’re like me and want to share your own recipes, photos, tips and tricks, tag ALDI using the hashtag #ALDILove.

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