Imperfect Action Beats Standing Still ft. Lacey Dunn With Tony Stephan – School of Success Ep. 92


In this episode of the School of Success podcast, Tony sits down with Lacey Dunn to discuss how she started her online coaching business while in school and during her internship. Lacey speaks about how she handled imposter syndrome during this time and the importance of not trying to handle everything at once and seeking guidance from her professors and colleagues.

Lacey is the owner of a thriving online coaching platform UpliftFit Nutrition, as well as host and founder of UpliftFit Nutrition radio. Lacey’s goal as a dietitian is to provide the tools that people need in order to achieve a healthy, and balanced diet while simultaneously helping them to grow and thrive in all aspects of their lives.”

Lacey Dunn is breaking the mold in the “dietitian world” as a fitness professional, bodybuilder, and registered dietitian. Her mission is to educate others on evidence-based nutrition by promoting a healthy, sustainable lifestyle through flexible dieting. She believes that there is no “one size fits all” approach, and that self efficacy in food choice is a driving force for fostering healthy habits and encouraging behavioral change.

Be sure to connect with Lacey at ,, and @faithandfit .

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