The Tony Stephan Registered Dietitian Blog
How To Become A Dietitian Nutrition Coach-Everything You Need To Know
What is a Dietitian Nutrition Coach? What do dietitian nutrition coaches do? How much can you earn as a dietitian nutrition coach? And what certifications do you need to become one? In this article, I'll tell you the answers to all these questions. But first, allow me...
Just Calories In VS Calories Out Or Is There More To It?
Regarding diet and body transformations, few topics are more polarizing than “calories in VS calories out,” also known as CICO. Some say that “calories in VS calories out” is all that matters. Whereas others say, it is oversimplified. This article will talk about each...
What Are the Most Popular Diet Programs Right Now? And Why Keep Up With Them as a Dietitian?
As RDs, we are often up to date on the latest science-based information in the nutrition world. However, we may not always be up to date with the most popular diet programs as they can change so rapidly in an ever-changing market. As an RD, you may be thinking, “Why...
Intuitive Fasting Or Are We Being Duped For Another Fad Diet?
Every year new diet trends emerge while old diet trends either hold steady or are long forgotten. In 2021, a new diet has found its way into the diet industry’s forefront with a bang. This new diet trend is termed “intuitive fasting,” and it’s making an appearance all...
How To Conquer the Comparison Trap As A Dietitian Entrepreneur
Comparison is the ULTIMATE thief of joy. We’ve all heard this countless times, but as human beings, our brains are wired to look for and focus on problems (this is for survival!). Whether you’re a client who is making big strides in your health and fitness journey or...
Clearing Up Confusion About Nutrition – A Nutrition Coach Perspective
Nutrition is confusing, and that isn’t going away in 2021. Each year there seems to be a new fad diet or the next superfoods that render all previous superfoods meaningless. So how do you explain these terms to your nutrition coaching clients? How will you make sure...
Food Freedom vs Clean Eating
Food freedom is a frequently used term in the nutrition world today, but what does it mean for your clients’ success? “Eat clean to get lean!” We’ve all heard it. This is the mantra behind fitness enthusiasts who pride themselves on their ability to not even look at...
Top 5 Nutrition Myths Debunked
Nutrition myths are everywhere even in 2020. The field of nutrition is full of pseudoscience and misleading claims. Everyone seems to have an opinion when it comes to nutrition. You'll hear that too much protein will rot your kidneys. Dietary fat will make you gain...
5 Tips To Manage Money As A Dietitian Entrepreneur
Before I was a dietitian business coach, I used to think making money was the only concern an entrepreneur had… Truth is, you can make millions of dollars and still go broke. I talk about how here in my NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO ON MANAGING MONEY AS AN ENTREPRENEUR Don’t...
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